I'm reviewing this now before Talon gets to play it because by that time the sequel will already be out. this game takes one of the most innovative ideas thought of ever and runs with it.this game makes me want to go play Narbacular Drop, but being a Macintosh guy once again restricts me from doing so. what does Narbacular Drop even mean. let me Google it real quick....... OK ill type this verbatim from wiki "The word "Narbacular", not existing in any dictionary, was chosen primarily to aid in Internet search engine results" irony of irony it doesn't even register in the blogger dictionary giving me options such as nebular and barnacle.
- the basis:
portal starts you in a room with a radio and a notepad now from here you get told that a portal will open giving you tour first glimpse of how these things work. its pretty self explanatory, just look at it as those portable holes in looney toons, but there is another hole of which you exit. make sense, well at first its hard to wrap your head around but then you get used to it. the most satisfaction comes from when you have to think out how you are going to execute a chain of portals and then finish the chain of portals flawlessly.
- the plot and environment:
playability: though it might hurt your brain it is fun and you wont want to put it down until you've reached a aesthetically pleasing stopping point, which isn't until the end of the game. they've also packed in a lot of alternate versions of levels such as advanced versions of certain levels, and versions that challenge you to complete it in the least amount of steps, portals, and time. the amount this game can be played over and over again is un-countable.
- The only proplem:
Once you start you wont want to stop, and the pure frustration when you cant figure a puzzle out or frustration of just wanting to get past that damn loading screen.
- Complex Score = 97 Out of 100
- Simple Score = 5 out of 5
- Tycho Bob
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