Friday, December 21, 2007

Top Ten games of the year

you may read this and wonder "wheres the list". well this is where after waiting forever we announce the very long awaited return of the most prestigious, sometimes talked about in a conversation somehow including biscuts or slicers its the true return of the exile nation podcast. unlike duke nukem we will be recording on saturday and posting it on saturday or sunday. see you then.

-Tycho Bob

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack

1.Foundry: this is the first map i tried out and the options are endless i made probably one of the most beast levels ever ("7th Parallel" shameless promotion i know) but the forging is the one good thing about this map because the default setting almost seems like they just threw a bunch of boxes in a room. i can seepotential if they made a playlist for user created content but other than that the forge is the best option for this map the rest is just decent

2.standoff: great team map with the only problem being that the brighter side of the map has a slight uphill advantage in team games. this is the most visually beautifull map to date in my mind. this map would have been better if bungie had made a couple terrain changes(for example being able to manually raise the giant pads, and acctually adding an incineration room (if there is one tell me)).

3.Rats Nest: when i first heard of this map as an "indoor vehicle paradise" i was thinking giant racetrack level, but to discover that it was a level with a outher rim track that has turns from hell i was dissapointed. then i discoverd that you couldnt even play around the pelican and i was even more pissed off. i can see this level being forged into one of the best infection maps arond.

The bottom line: Make your own decision, if you like any of the previously stated opinion go get them if not wait.

-Tycho Bob

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

to the annonimous

Ok this would have to be the first person to comment on the blog that is not a spambot or someone allready an admin so whomever you are please sign up for the forums tell your friends and get this site to run with the full potential it deserves.

oh, and coming up later this week "Exile Nations top 10 games of the year"